Wednesday 29 July 2015

July 28th Mushies.....

Mushrooms would be right up there as being one of my favourite vegetables.  You just think... they are kept in the dark, fed shite and yet still come out okay. No counseling required, no traumatic episodes - apart from when they get cooked and eaten of course.

I even loved Mushrooms as a child, but a particularly bad poisoning episode left me unable to eat them for years. I don't know if there was something magic in the mix, but I was extremely sick, and the memory stays with me to this day.

An attempt to revisit mushrooms wasn't made until my teens, and yay I could eat them again. And have continued to do so.  Here is last night's batch all ready to go, to be served with dinner. Let's give it up for the humble mushroom and a round of applause please!

ps Mushrooms were harmed in the making of this photo. They were cut into slivers, sat upon a knob of butter, and sprinkled with black pepper. Tortured over medium heat and then had sour cream stirred through.

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