Thursday 16 April 2015

April 15th A Zig and A Zag And Pub Grub

Today there was a bit of zig zagging - on my head!  Nadia, my hairdresser is coming up with whackier and whackier ideas every time I go, and who am I to argue. She is already working on her plan for next time!

In the evening we did something we have not done for a very long time. We took ourselves off to ye good ole English Pub for a meal. I can safely say we came away with full bellies, rested and in general we were happy little chappies.

Just to clarify regarding this meal - the top half is George's. Feed the man Beef.  You can always tell when he is in ravenous mode as he orders sides. The bottom half is mine - a lovely warming Seafood Chowder.


  1. Oooooh wow Irene, that's a really snazzy hairdo! I love it and would suit you to a T. But are you noticing it cooler around your ears and find you need to pull your collar or scarf up a bit higher?

    Your dinners look very yummy. I LOVE seafood chowder - envious me.

  2. I actually feel the cold all the time. It has to be 30 plus degrees for me to complain about the heat - so having the ears exposed really doesn't affect me any more than normal :)

    I can never resist Seafood Chowder when I see it on the menu. Have never made it myself - actually and I don't intend to. To me it is my eating out treat :)

