Thursday 16 January 2014

January 15th Oh Yeah

Only planted last summer, and our Kaffir Lime is doing well with an abundance of fruit. It survived the Waikato winter. I am sure being wrapped in frost cloth was a great help - who doesn't like to keep sheltered in winter?


  1. Wow amazing! Can you eat the fruit or is it just the leaves?
    Can grow normal limes fine,and I love fresh limes :-)

  2. Helen, this plant is growing in a large pot on the deck outside my office. I am always popping out just to rub the leaves (particularly if I am having a pooey day workwise, and the fragrance takes me back to Thailand (pure escapism).
    On a more serious note, the juice content in Kaffir Limes isn't that abundant - but you can use the juice, and also slice these up in the compulsory daily G & T.
    If you decide to purchase a Kaffir, send me a message and I will let you know where we got ours from up in South Auckland (miles cheaper then your Palmers, Mitre10 etc etc :)

  3. Haven't actually seen a real life kaffir lime before, only standard limes, do they keep this bumpy skin texture? Was looking at buying a lime tree recently and the pricing put me off a bit, thought I would wait for a sale to come along - still waiting :)
    Cheers, Brenda

  4. They stay bumpy Brenda, Poor things have no way of banishing their cellulite do they :) If you are looking for one, Rogers Garden Centre in South Auckland is the place. Much cheaper than the larger chains I mentioned above.

  5. Thanks Irene, just looked it up and keen to go there now, have heard about it before just never made the effort to visit. Thought we had a well priced outlet in Takanini but this looks far better, thanks again.

  6. Let me know what you think. We are hoping to have time to call in this Sunday actually (have a function to attend up there)
