Thursday 14 July 2016

July 13th Silence Of The Rams

I decided to try my best Hannibal Lecter impression today. Well I didn't think anything about Hannibal Lecter until George knocked on the bathroom door to ask a question as to something's whereabouts. You know the drift - usual Man Eyes searching in place, and no matter what it is, it will be right there, sitting on it's own at the very front of the shelf, crying here I am, look at me, look at me.

Anyway so he gave the knock on the bathroom door. And didn't expect me to swing it open and look like this. His shock was that great, that he forgot what he was asking for.

Hannibal Lecter eat your heart out. Allow me to present Irene With A Subsequent Face Like Nectar!


  1. OMG Irene I got a hellova fright! I didn't expect to see you like that!
    D. xx

    1. hehehehe. Although on reflection, the facial mask makers must expect some people to have big faces. The mask was big!!

  2. Sounds like fun living in your household! Each day brings out a little more crazy in you two :)

    1. Life is too short to be serious all of the time. Crazy definitely helps :)
