Wednesday 2 October 2013

October 1st Capsicum Number 6

 A little bit of capsicum in my life
A little bit of eggplant on the side
Chop some red onion with a sharp knife
Watch your fingers or you will be in strife
A little bit of mayonnaise the next day
What does that make? I hear you say
This is our Eggplant dip
Or Aubergine if you are a stuck up


  1. Replies
    1. Just getting musical with my capsicums :)

  2. Yum, sounds nice Irene.

    I read somewhere recently that there is a Bell Pepper fable: Male bell peppers have three lobes and the female has four and I think there are more seeds in one than the other. True or false? I don't think it's been proven yet one way or the other.

  3. Next time I have a large amount of peppers will check that out I did notice with this lot that some had more seeds then the others. So I will remember to check it out. It stands to reason there would be male & female peppers. Will let you know!!
