Tuesday, 24 December 2013

December 23rd Checking Out Xmas Lights

Our lights are missing this year, which gave us the opportunity to get out and about and see others. Here is a shortlist compiled from the Waikato Times of Must Sees - courtesy of Alicia, Alvin and Ella. We set off all together to see what we could see

ps the photo chosen for my photo of the day, is testimony that I didn't take any decent photos of the lights. Although we did get to see the famed music set to lights, composed by a 17 year old student He did very well!


  1. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year Irene and George! I look forward to another year of fun and interesting photography Irene, also to see your lights and Xmas decorations next year via your blog! D. xxxx

    1. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family D. I am pleased after all these years of 'knowing you' we finally got to meet. Have a wonderful festive season with family.

      As for our Xmas lights - well as Arnie famously said - I'll be back. And we will be sharing next years efforts (I know I am terribly biased but looking at lights yesterday and then looking back on photos of our last years effort - ours I think are up there with the rest - but I am biased!!)
