Monday, 2 December 2013

December 1st She's Up!

Merry Xmas and Ho Ho Ho!!


  1. Now I've come over all Christmassy after seeing your beautiful tree. It's so pretty.

  2. Thanks D. We normally have the full shebang, with the house fully decorated outside and inside. The lounge gets fully transformed (all elephants pack up their trunks and take a break). But this year because of my surgery, we have been unable to do anything & G didn't want to do all the outside, as it would have seemed incomplete and we didn't know how I would pull through as well. So it's nice to have the Xmas tree but sad at the same time :(

  3. Yes things happen like that sometimes but your all or nothing attitude is for the best and you know you will be able to do a proper job of it next year, all things being equal. Hope you are feeling better by the day. That post op glass of wine would have gone down very well!

    1. Very True D - On the plus side we can get out and see other lights this year, as normally we are housebound. The wine was lovely and normal transmission from a wine consumption point of view, has resumed :)
