Tuesday, 26 March 2013

March 25th A Not Irrelephant Elephant

I have realised that my blog has been scarce of those wonderful large plant eating Mammals, aka Elephants. The shock, the horror - here am I an elephant lover, our house is a homage to elephants,  and yet there has been a shortage of elephants in my blog.

I thought it time to post a photo of one of my somewhat vast collection. Which one to choose, which one? The smallest? The largest? The wackiest? Close to My Heart? Close to My Heart won the day.  This is the very first elephant that George bought as a gift for me.

He is a fairly thick and solid chappie and made of glass. He stands approx. 20cm high and has those wonderful green and blue swirly twirly bits inside.

I am going to give you the romantic background to him. Our first weekend away together was at Whitianga. That is where a tradition was borne that we still carry on to this day, when visiting Whitianga or Cooks Beach etc. We drive over via Tairua and then come home the much longer, but extremely scenic route via Matarangi to Coromandel township, and home via the Thames Coast. On this very first occasion we decided to call into Coromandel for a coffee and smooch around, as you do.

If I walk into a Gift shop, or any shop for that matter, I can spot an elephant at 100 paces - no matter what his or her size may be. To digress for a minute, I can also do the same with creepy crawlies - and they do the same with me - but that will have to be another blog for another day.  Back to Coromandel and browsing in a shop,  I spied this elephant. I looked at the price tag, fainted without appearing to faint whilst in an upright position. And nonchalantly carried on browsing. What followed was music to my ears. "Did you see this"? My reply "Yes, but it's too expensive"

And then there were three for the journey back to Hamilton.

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