Monday, 11 March 2013

March 10th Fishy Three Cheeses

 Today was a chillaxing Sunday. Catching up on Coro (get that Becky and the way she has lost the plot. And as for Royston's mother, well I never!) followed by missed episodes of Africa (the plight of the elephants made me cry). The creme de la creme of that TV viewing episode, was us having a supposed 40 winks which extended to a two hour nap.

After that marathon of a busy Sunday, we decided it was time to attend to some food duties. George set to outside, smoking a Kahawai caught in the deep blue yesterday.

Which ended up looking like this

I just thought I would add another angle so you could admire my photography prowess

And whilst he was outside tending to that, I was inside making a 'Three Cheese Courgette Filo Tart'
George was given two courgettes that were marrow sized and the day after, in my inbox, a recipe arrived for this recipe.

The recipe comprised Filo Pastry  and confession of confessions - I have always been too scared to attempt anything that used Filo Pastry due to stories of having to work fast (like that is in my vocabulary) and copious amounts of melted butter. But I had the courgettes (that resembled marrows), purchased some ricotta, gruyere and grated parmesan and voila, here is my 'Three Cheese Courgette that is actually a Marrow Filo Tart'.  Yes, I will be making this again, and working with Filo isn't that difficult.

And can I just add, mine looks nicer than the recipe I followed. They made individual ones in ramekins, and the filo hung over the side. I decided to pretty mine up and bought the filo up over the top.  Oh and I improvised - they had two tubs of ricotta, I only had one so instead used a tub of sour cream. The recipe said two eggs and two egg yolks. No way I am having spare egg whites hanging around. Everyone knows that if you have egg whites hanging around you have to make meringues - so I had free range eggs of varying sizes from next door's hens - and used 5 of them - the eggs silly, not the hens!!

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