Monday, 3 October 2016

September 30th, October 1st and 2nd, Rocky Horror, Grapes and The Yellow Brick Road

It was a usual weekend, with heads down and posteriors pointing to the sky, ie a quiet one with not that much going on.Which means George was out in the garden and I was either working or making like a housewife.

On Friday, George brought home this little flyer for me. Well guess what I have gone ahead and booked for us to see? You don't show this to someone that knows every word to every song in the Rocky Horror Picture Show. My all time, most fantastic, most amazing, most wonderful musical ever. Did I tell you I love this show. I have seen the live show in Melbourne and another one in Auckland, and now it's time to see the live show here in my home town, Hamilton NZ.  And as for the amount of times I have seen the movie - lost count! And every song is on my playlist in the car as well.

Then the actual weekend, as in Saturday and Sunday loomed.  That was more garden focussed for George, and I either worked or made like a housewife. With Spring, dormant plants are coming back to life and there is some colour returning to the garden. Our grapes look like they are going to provide a bumper crop and are coming back after a good end of summer pruning.

And finally George's latest outside  project has been our paths. He is concreting in between to stop the horrible weeds from coming through. The brick path resembles the yellow brick road without the greenery in between

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