Tuesday, 28 October 2014

October 22nd to 26th - From Holiday to Hairy Goat..

I have been away on holiday at the beach, and as mentioned previously the internet access (for me only for some reason) was slower then a Turtle in wind down mode.  I still took a photo each day, however writing my blog and even being on the internet, was a distant memory.

We returned home on the 25th October after what seemed like a whirlwind 7 days that passed, and life returned to it's usual hectic pace.

Just a quick rundown from each day. October 22nd saw us visiting a friend's 86 year old Uncle, who still lives in his own home. Not only is his home spotless (no old people wee smells and not a cobweb in sight), but his garden is the most prolific I have ever seen. No lawn - just all garden and it is stunning, with the most beautiful cacti, succulents and garden plants. I wish I could include all the photos taken, and it is hard to select what I should display!

The weather decided to be kind to us for our last days at the beach. Not only was the ocean calm and smelling her perfect best, but the sun also decided to treat us to some wonderful displays

Time to head back to the metropolis of Hamilton. Friends were collecting a rental car which is slap bang opposite our fine city's Court House. I have been here - but only in the capacity as a Juror thank goodness, and to collect a Marriage Licence for he and me (sigh)

Home to unpack. Next day it was time to don some glad rags (a tad different to slob and blob beachwear) and head to a Par-tay.

If you are wondering how Minnie enjoyed her holiday? Don't worry she is pestering me - yet again - for a guest blog so you can hear her say on things and her perspective of how our break really went. Stay tuned.

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