Tuesday, 14 October 2014

October 13th When Bugs Attack

Well by the time it reached what can only be called a reasonable hour, I really needed one of these. Just between you and me, I could have had one or two of these earlier in the day. Dammit, let's be totally honest - I could have had the whole damn bottle

What lead to this near spiral into alcoholism? I hope you are seated and not squeamish.  I have brought up in previous blogs how creepy crawlies somehow are attracted to me. Not the two legged ones, but the insect, totally horribly looking, creepy crawlies. Today was another testament to that fact.

I had a busy day. Work and then out for errands. I finally got home close to 3pm, and realised I hadn't indulged in lunch, and decided a slice of toast wouldn't go amiss.  So I was standing at the kitchen bench, as you do, when I heard this funny buzz and then felt something on the back of my neck.
With dread I immediately realised what it would be. I actually think a pair of incontinence pants would have been extremely useful on this particular occasion!  I reached around and felt a hard moving shell and flicked it off my neck.

Yes folks, it was a NZ native cockroach. It was large, and it was black. I had flicked it off onto the kitchen bench somewhere and fly spray wasn't a solution in this instance. A quick rush to the toilet for some toilet paper,  some tentative lifting of the toaster and I found the bastard. It (not being worthy of being called a she or a he) was captured and promptly flushed down the toilet.

I went into hysterics, had a panic attack, and wailed. Why Me oh Lord, Why Me???  Do you know it is now hours since the event, and I can still feel that thing on my neck. To the extent that I keep asking George if there is a scratch or a bite on my neck. But there is no evidence.

PS.... Before anyone thinks we are dirty. These cockroaches inflicting themselves on us are a native to NZ, and commonly found in logs, leaf litter, under loose bark - and on Irene's body parts

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