Wednesday, 26 February 2014

February 25th As Cool As A Cucumber

Do you suffer from a glut of Cucumbers? Oh how I wish I did. We were gifted some very large cucumbers and I didn't want them to go to waste.

Then on Foodlovers, the wonderful NZ foodie website, someone was asking about uses for a surplus of Mint.  And a recipe for Cucumber Soup was shared. Yes, you are reading that correctly, Cucumber Soup. How could anyone not be interested in a recipe for Cucumber Soup! For it's uniqueness value and also if you have Cucumber to use up.

So last week I had this in my kitchen:

I know, I know. I am very immature and have silly artistic moments in the kitchen. This cucumber is now stripped of all it's dignity. Or should that be peeled?

It wasn't a case of out of the Fry Pan and into the Fire.  It was straight into the pot with some other ingredients for company, and in a witchy poo voice I chanted "Boil, Boil, Toil and Trouble"

Finally finishing up in the Blender

By the way, if you look on the left hand side of the Blender, on the inside down by the bottom of the handle - don't you think that looks like a compressed frog?  What is a frog is doing in my soup? Kermie?

On a more serious note - if you would like a link to the soup recipe, please ask. It is delicious.

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