Sunday, 16 February 2014

February 15th Sunny Saturday

Now I wonder whose house this is at?

I call these 'Fluffy Flower' If anyone can enlighten me as to the plant's name it would be appreciated


  1. I can't help you with the name of that 2nd tree but I can tell you that while it is very pretty, it is also rather annoying when it drops the flowers. I have dozens of them on my vehicle which stick like glue, I no longer remove them each morning, instead I am the vehicle driving along the road with them periodically flying off! My recommendation is not to park under one of these trees, unfortunately I don't have a choice and am happy to put up with it for the short time it happens. Our name for it is a little more colourful than yours! Brenda

    1. I didn't realise they were a sticky flower. That would be annoying to have them stuck to your car - would they affect the paintwork?

  2. Looks like a silk tree to me.. we took ours out as it blocked up the gutters and got into everything.. pretty though!

    1. Thanks Kay - I just googled and Silk Tree it is. Thanks for the info :)

  3. Haven't noticed it spoiling the paintwork, just that it is annoying. When the weather is sunny they dry off but remain stuck fast to wipers, roof etc, when it is wet they go slimy. Even now and then I brush the car with a soft broom to dislodge them.
    And like Kay says, they get into gutters, drains and just about everywhere you don't want them to be...........

  4. oh and forgot to say, the local possums love to chew on it too and drop the pieces everywhere :)

    1. therefore the moral of the story is to admire them,but never, ever plant them :)
