Thursday, 2 May 2013

May 1st. Iron Man 3 and the rest of the day

When you hear Iron Man 3 is being released and you happen to be on holiday, what is one to do? At Siam Paragon (a large shopping centre) the top floor is devoted to the Cinema and a Bowling Alley. Of 16 theatres, 13 were showing Iron Man 3 ( and it is predicted to be the largest grossing movie in Thailand of all time) So we headed to the IMAX and managed to watch it in 3D. Please insert oohs and aahs here and I will refrain from slipping into movie critic mode. But what a great movie. But then has Robert Downey Jnr ever failed us? ( swoon swoon). He is truly one of the greats of our time ( more so taking into account his lapse mid career)

My photos are a selection from the movie. A Thai gentleman's beautiful hair - I really wanted to say please let me stroke your hair, please, please. Dinner at a great street restaurant recommended by Ian & Lynette, which we ate at when we first arrived in Bangkok - George with his fish and my Yen Ta Fo Soup (fermented soy beans), and the street traffic that runs through the restaurant (located both sides of the road). An amble home, interspersed with collecting our clothes repairs from the street Sewing Machine lady. And then it was time to head home for the obligatory G & T.

Count down - this holiday is really coming to an end. Stop the world - I want to get off!

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