Sunday, 19 May 2013

May 19th Smooth Operator

Thrilled today to be able to purchase a Blender (thanks to Gift Vouchers) and I managed to strike one of the 'odd occasions' that Briscoes had a sale :)

And here is the super duper, whizz dizz, bells and whistle buttons it comes with - it does everything apart from apply my make up.

And to welcome it to it's new humble abode (much better than left sitting on a shelf) - dinner was a Broccoli and Blue Cheese Soup. Also in preparation for future use, some kiwifruit and mangoes got the chop and headed into the freezer - in Smoothie anticipation!


  1. if you get cheap bananas, freeze them too, they make really lovely thick smoothies.The boxes berries from the supermarket (Pams are great) are excellent for smoothies.

  2. That's the plan Zee - to raid the nearly dead fruit bin you see in supermarkets. I have often seen very ripe bananas and other very ripe fruit treats at the end of their life, and they are the best for Smoothies. The Kiwifruit - there are 4 kiwifruit in each of those bags chopped up, and I bought 3 bags at 99c each
