Friday, 31 May 2013

May 30th I Am A Tip Topper

I received a courier pack from Tip Top Ice Cream. I have been selected as one of 100 in the country to receive Tip Top Merchandise, taste test new products and the most exciting part... there will be a factory tour on the horizon. Think Willy Wonka meets a Snowman.  The goody bag today included a cap (George says thank you he likes the colour), a pen (Irene says thank you, her handbag needs replenishing), a mini chilli bag (we both say thank you as the cheese and pates will sit in there nicely thank you when we picnic) and a key ring (if I can find the spare key, that will say thanks) and an inflatable beach ball.  So Thank You Tip Top!!

Thursday, 30 May 2013

May 29th Another Pet Photo..

Apologies as my photos are getting a bit humdrum. I have been unable to walk Minnie, so haven't ventured out too much or too far. I think the furthest I went today was to the garage to get something out for dinner. Maybe I should have taken a photo of the garage?  But no. Winter has hit with a vengeance and it is extremely cold. It's time for Minnie to grace her winter wardrobe

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

May 28th. Chillaxing without the Laxing

Well Winter has arrived with a vengeance.  Snow flurries on nearby Mt Pirongia, heat pumps x 2 turned up to the max and just for a bit of a change - heavy showers every now and then.  

Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls, Cats and Dogs and Lurking Frogs.... 
Welcome to Winter!

The morning started with this

I had to venture out in the afternoon, and in the matter of seven minutes the temperature went from this

to this

You didn't expect pretty pictures from me today I hope!!!!

Monday, 27 May 2013

May 26th Nap Time

George decided to have a nana nap in the afternoon, and Minnie decided to squeeze one in too

Sunday, 26 May 2013

May 25th. Duh!

Today I was a silly duffer
and some times my brain farts make my art suffer
as you know I take a photo a day
it can be difficult to find a subject just let me say

Well today my sister visited from up beyond
and her visit made us particularly fond
We farewelled her and said goodbye
and then I had to really wonder why

I didn't take a photo for today
the subject was perfect in every way
So you will have to make do with all I could come up with
My jimmy jams and slippers
And don't you dare sniff!

Thursday, 23 May 2013

May 22nd Toe Toe

In NZ we have this plant
it spelling has a slightly different slant
The name of this plant is Toe Toe
but it's not pronounced like your big toe so you know
the correct pronunciation is Toi Toi
This is for real it is not a ploy

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

May 21st The Lady In The Mirror

May 20th Farewell Oh Sweet Flossie

Here I lie all glum
my work for the day is done
Yes I have been in Irene's mouth
actually some ladies wear something similar down South
ie places like Wellington, Christchurch, Timaru
but I'm not particularly pointing at you!
So now I can see it will be the rubbish bin
that I am going to be consigned in
Everyone wants a piece of me
hold on, wasn't that sung by someone called Britney?

Sunday, 19 May 2013

May 19th Smooth Operator

Thrilled today to be able to purchase a Blender (thanks to Gift Vouchers) and I managed to strike one of the 'odd occasions' that Briscoes had a sale :)

And here is the super duper, whizz dizz, bells and whistle buttons it comes with - it does everything apart from apply my make up.

And to welcome it to it's new humble abode (much better than left sitting on a shelf) - dinner was a Broccoli and Blue Cheese Soup. Also in preparation for future use, some kiwifruit and mangoes got the chop and headed into the freezer - in Smoothie anticipation!

May 18th Visitors from across the Ocean

Saturday, 18 May 2013

May 17th. Eh What?

Is our Company that bad? Or maybe it was the Swimming Rama that I made for dinner?

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

May 15th Overdue Elephants

Me thinks it is time we had some Elephants.  Everyone thought I would return with lots and lots of elephants after our recent holiday in Thailand. Not so. Although in Chiang Mai there were these absolutely beautiful carved pieces of flowerets intertwined with elephants on a large piece of teak. Sigh. Walking away broke my heart. I could have given that piece such a lovely, warm and friendly home.

I kid you not, I purchased these two coffee mugs in Chiang Mai. And a fridge magnet which is a silk elephant, and was a fundraising initiative for village woman to produce local crafts. That was my total purchase  - of elephants.

If you ever make it to Chiang Mai, the night market is a must. When we first arrived, I was disappointed - row after row on the street of same, same. However if you go off the beaten path and meander down lanes and into buildings - that is where the night market worth gooing over is located. This is the arty farty crafty part of the market and there are sensational offerings. Should I mention the food is good as well - plus they had my Bubble Tea (Pearl Tea), which is an added plus.

So for my photo of the day here are my hand painted coffee mugs from Chiang Mai. I would show you the magnet, but she is having a cool time hanging around the fridge, just chillaxing with the older elephants

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

May 14th. Oranges and Lemons

Without the Oranges. Do you have a head cold? Sore throat? Or woe betide the health gods, dare I say it? OK let me whisper it..... Man Flu?  Fear not! Here is a good Polish remedy for you. Slice Lemons as shown here. Cover with water. Boil until you remember it's boiling and think Bejaysus!  I forgot the lemons were a boiling. Pour the liquid over one or two teaspoons of honey in a cup. Stir and sip to your heart's content. I reuse the lemons up to three times and just top up the water

So there you go. This blog is more than just a photo blog. It's health advice too! Shall I discuss me Bunions?

Monday, 13 May 2013

May 13th. Say It With Flowers

There's nothing like a colourful bloom
To lift your spirits and brighten a room
I know at the moment I look an ungodly sight
However did the courier have to recoil with such fright!

With many thanks to the senders of these flowers - they certainly brightened my day xxx

May 12th. Mr Poppy says....

Mr Pill Poppy says  be a good girl and takes your pills. At least they had the good taste to include my favourite colours purple and pink amongst the concoction. Give that Pharmacist a medal

Sunday, 12 May 2013

May 11th. Chicken Soup

Chicken Soup for the soul. Made with love (I hope) by George - from scratch and with Semolina Dumplings. Perfect recuperation food for this Henny Penny 

Saturday, 11 May 2013

May 10th. Good Evening

Beauty can be found even when looking out from a Hospital room window

Friday, 10 May 2013

May 9th. Let's Play Doctors and Nurses

Home for a couple of nights. I wonder if they will agree to putting Gin in my IV line?

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

May 8th Disdain

This photo is the definition of disdain (after not taking a certain Madam for a walk today)

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Monday, 6 May 2013

May 6th Old Mother Field

Old Mother Field and husband George
went on holiday without a care
The next day after they arrived home 
Irene was alone
 her tummy rumbled with a leer
She went to the fridge
Oh shite ridgy didge
only then she did remember the fridge was bare

May 5th Honey I'm Home

You know you're back in Godzone when this is what you see

Sunday, 5 May 2013

May 4th. Good Bye Thailand

Saying goodbye is always sad, and we had such a fantastic time seeing various Thai sights and spending time with family.

For my last post from Thailand, I will share some images taken at Suvarnabhumi Airport, which only opened in 2006

Saturday, 4 May 2013

May 3rd. Beauty And The Beast

A long day of pampering followed by an Italian dinner. Home to close encounters of the lounge kind!

May 2nd. Yakiniku Dining

Tonight for our farewell dinner with Ian, Lynette and Trent we dined out at Hajime Robot Restaurant. Dining was Yakiniku style, ie various dishes served and cooked by ourselves at a charcoal BBQ set in the table. What made this an outstanding evening however (apart from the excellent company of course and Sake) were the robots. They are on a conveyor belt system, and deliver your trays of raw food for you to cook, take the empty dishes away and every now and then break into an 'impromptu' dance, think Lady Gaga etc. Shall I let the photos speak for themselves.