Saturday, 30 May 2015

May 29th Giggles and More Walks With Minnie

I am going to introduce you to my day starting at the end of the day. We had Cristina and Crae for dinner (as in they joined us, we didn't eat them!). Well actually they very kindly supplied dinner - it was a Friday Fish n Chip night. It was the usual evening full of friendship until Cristina opened her phone to show us some photos. It is human nature to start swiping and to look at them all - isn't it? Well I saw the following Now I promise I was sober. But this totally cracked me up, so much so that I was in tears. This brought me to hysterics for a good 5 minutes!  Actually it still makes me giggle now, so I just have to share it

Let's go backwards now and on a more 'Wasn't It a Lovely Day' note. Minnie was particularly thrilled as she got to see her boyfriend Monty, He was home so we ambled in for a hello  I have no idea if Minnie and Monty discuss running through grass and how it feels on their nipples.

I have to share this beautiful tree that was in flower at Monty's home. It is called a tree dahlia, and is a perfect late autumn home for bees. They were everywhere

After saying goodbye to Monty and his Mum, we were farewelled with some of Margaret's finest produce. She always shares her home grown bottled peaches with us

Then through the park we went, to finally make our way home. All was at peace with the world until I returned to my office and late afternoon pandemonium broke out, settled eventually with a glass of wine, some fish n chips and a good belly laugh

Friday, 29 May 2015

May 28th Ear Anatomy...

 I have this year changed the earrings I have always worn in the Tragus and Crura of antihelix anatomy of my ear. Google those two, or it may be easier just to meet up with me in person and I will show you which is which.

I don't set out to be distinctively different. Don't worry no lip, eyebrow type of piercings for me - they personally don't appeal. However I do like to be just that little bit different. You can tell when I get into restless mode, as I start thinking, what can I do that is just that little bit different. Recently the inner rumblings have started.

Lately I have been thinking of another small tattoo and the new tattoo is linked to a piercing.I don't want to share until the project is completed. But this evening was spent on the tattoo part. I will give that time to heal, which with the dawn of a new day it appears to be all good, and then it will be time for the piercing. Once that is all settled and complete, then I can share (if I remember, as brain farts lead to diminished brain cells, and I may well forget).

So no, you are not going to see any photos of today's effort. You are just going to have to make do with a lovely photo of a lovely tree, as we went through the drive through for our dinner. I was naughty as we were out at Raglan with the family (that is where the fantastic Vince, the tattoost has his studio), I didn't take any photos of Vince's other work, his studio and then we went and saw the family and no photos of my 3 favourite girls (two granddaughters and a wonderful daughter in law). So a tree it is, because every fast food restaurant has a large tree situated by their drive through don't they?

Thursday, 28 May 2015

May 27th Walks With Minnie

Yay, the sun shined and Minnie and I were able to poke our noses outside for a walk. Here's a few sights from today's amble, and it was an amble because not only had Mjnnie been confined due to bad weather, but we bumped into one of our 'they who share their life stories on the roadside' acquaintances. To top matters off, Minnie decided that as she hadn't been outside for a few days, she was going to compensate and combine two normal walking routes into one. Which I confess I didn't mind, as it was a lovely day.

First sight on our walk. Nothing is more deflating then a deflated balloon. It speaks of parties gone, finished and over

 And nothing makes me feel shorter, than looking up a hill, ie our driveway, and realising I am very short compared to some monoliths. I am still waiting for some car/truck to accidentally bring this pole down, so it can be resituated. Any takers?

Finally home we arrived to be greeted by the lovely sight of not only an elephant in the bedroom window, but also lovely reflections in the sky

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

May 26th Slow News Day

Yes it was a slow news day. To be honest my nose did not extend one inch out the door We have had a polar blast hit us and inside seems a safer option. So by the time night time descended, it was time to curl up on the couch and do what we do, which is watch movies. Tonight's choice was Despicable Me 2. We chuckled and laughed and chuckled and laughed. It is a lovely basic story line, and the icing on the cake are the Minions. They had a much more prominent role in this movie than in the first. I have yet to see The Minions movie starring them alone and hope it is as good.

So considering the theme of the night, it was only fitting that this little chappie joined George, Minnie and myself for the evening. He seemed particular pleased.

On a related note,I just have to share this photo taken last year in Western Australia. Unfortunately all the inhabitants therein appeared to be in hiding that day

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

May 25th Woo Hoo De Hoooo!!!

This evening I attended a Thai Airlines industry function It's a great way to update on what's on offer, routings etc.  It was a stormy night and a tad chilly.  I braved the elements as I battled my way through winds and rain, shivering as I made my way to the restaurant where the event was being held. All of that happened from opening the car door only a few feet away and making my way inside. I did it. And my reward? Well apart from new facts and figures to be absorbed for Thai Airlines, and a full tummy from a lovely Thai dinner, I was also the lucky recipient of one of the prize draws Not the big fandangled two draws of return flights to Thailand (wouldn't that have been a wow), but I did win this.

Just in case (note the use of the pun) you were wondering what size - this is a handy hard shell carry on. It isn't a trip to Thailand but I am still pretty stoked. Unlike a certain other being, who was at the evening and made known extremely vocally her disappointment at only winning these super duper noiseless headphones. To say there were a few raised eyebrows and open jaws is somewhat of an understatement!

Monday, 25 May 2015

May 22nd - 24th The Reunion of the Blisters

This past weekend was very family oriented. I won't call us the Three Ugly Blisters - let's just say we are The Blisters. One sister drove down from North of Auckland, another flew in from Papua New Guinea and my role was to open my front door to them.  It was lovely to get together  Sophie drove down on Friday to stay the weekend. On Saturday we met up with Lynette firstly to play ladies at a local cafe, and then we were joined by her and her family for dinner at ours Saturday evening.

Friday I was totally chuffed to receive the following as a gift for no particular reason from my Great Niece, Claudia. I love presents and this one has joined my little troop that sit upon my bed.

Whilst we didn't get a photo of the three of us together, which is pretty bad. I did get a photo of the two doggies that are cousins. Minnie and Benny only tolerate each other. Well that is the face they put out to the world. They have us in fits, as it is obvious there is no love between them, and whilst there is no snarling or teeth baring there is obvious disdain Or maybe this is just a show for us as we found them with very guilty looks on the bed together.

On a different note and not related to family, everyone knows I  love my bling and shiny things. Well guess what we ventured out to buy today?  They are lovely and sparkly and glistening - and best of all real. All will be revealed as to where these two will permanently reside in future weeks. One is already in residence

Friday, 22 May 2015

May 21st The Wheels On The Bus

I am sure most are familiar with the children's nursery rhyme The Wheels On The Bus. If not here are the lyrics

The wheels on the bus go round and round.
round and round.
round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
all through the town!

Obviously not all buses are aware of what to do and have to go out on the road to get the hang of things. I spotted one today

I hope he passed with flying colours. Well not with flying colours actually, because we don't want the bus to fly away do we?

Thursday, 21 May 2015

May 20th Not Much Going On Here

The day started out beautifully with the sun out. Then for some reason the weather gods decided that was enough of a teaser and the sun disappeared and the day became grey and bleak. It was a shock at dusk to go to draw the curtains (that is an odd expression isn't it?) and see a wonderful ray of orange across the sky.

Earlier, I didn't think I was going to have any photo to share. I asked Minnie to step up to the plate - she is my go to on days when I get stuck. At first she demured due to having a bad hair day

Well she wasn't exactly demure. If I could translate her look into words, her look said "why don't you naff off and let me prepare myself. You don't like having your photo taken, well the same goes here, so naff off"

She eventually conceded after some primping, preening and pursing of lips. From bad hair to diva in all of 20 seconds

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

May 19th Chim-Choo-Ree

Lunch at Chim-Choo-Ree today. Which in my books is up there as one of the best restaurant meals enjoyed in a long time. The Restaurant is located in what was the old Waikato Brewery Buildings and looking good for an old girl

 There was an eclectic collection of art inside. I loved these lights. The ones to the right silly

 I had better give your taste buds a tickle. Mine were salivating to the nth degree. Here are photos of our shared entrees followed by shared small (the restaurant's description) mains

In the words of the great Arnie. I'll Be Buck!!!

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

May 18th A Leafy Subject

Please Don't Leaf Me

Oh Leaf Me Alone

I Will Finish Now - Which Will be a Re-Leaf

Monday, 18 May 2015

May 17th A Party High In The Hills

We were at a 60th Birthday Party today. From the function centre, the views over the Waikato were amazing and one photo could not do the 360 degree panorama justice. Happy Birthday to Judy

That was the views. Now let's not forget the birthday girl. I don't have permission to post  a photo of the lovely Judy and won't do so. So for now let's just drool over her birthday cake

As a final note What is it with May and Birthdays? I have counted up to at least ten friends and acquaintances who I have had to wish happy birthday to over the last week and a bit. What your parents were up to in September, well we won't go there will we!

Sunday, 17 May 2015

May 16th The Annual Outing Of The Board

Twas the annual outing of the board
not all were there of their own accord
There could be heard much sighin'
from both Irene and the Iron

Saturday, 16 May 2015

May 15th Egg-Sac-tly!!

I am going to egg you on with a lot of egg-sacting puns. By the time you finish reading, you will be ova this believe me. Am I being egg-centric? Actually don't answer that one. Am I being egged on?  Where egg-sac-tly am I going with this?

Just count yourself lucky I didn't get started on chickens! I really think in some past life, long, long ago, I was a Magpie. I collect things and I love shiny, shiny, bling things. One of my collections is eggs. Here is a photo of our eggs. Some were sourced on our travels, some were gifted from Romania or Poland (either with intricate hand carvings or hand painted) and some were purchased here in NZ locally. I just realised the hand carved wooden ones are in the bedroom on display - so if you are trying to find the hand carved ones, I think you had better beat a path to our doorway instead of studying this photo in great detail!

So that's the display. In the collection we had one painted one, purchased here in NZ possibly in the Easter of 2014 or the year before.  Note the use of the word had. I thought it would have candies in it, or be empty as I can't recall exactly where, but it was purchased from a local food shop.

I would like to state that this was a proper egg, complete with yolk. Do you know what happens when a proper egg, complete with yolk, that is over a year old is dropped? Do you know the stench is unbearable and is worse then 1000 Maggots copulating with 1000 Fleas in a dead corpse's crotch? Well believe me I do!

Friday, 15 May 2015

May 14th Never Mind Wally

I am not going to try and trick you. By the way, as a total aside. Don't you just hate it when you are typing and you go to use a word and you can't think of what that word is It is a nice, fancy, don't I sound intelligent with my vocabulary, type of word - but for the life of you, you can't recall what it is. Yet it sits there right on the edge of your tongue like an expectant lump, just sitting and sitting. Meanwhile you are trying to push it out. In the end in frustration you give up and think of a substitute, but end up hugely disappointed in yourself for using basic vocabulary.

Back to where we were folks. I am not going to try and trick you, pull the wool over your eyes and any other synonymous (had to google that one to check it did exist - can you tell I have buzzy frain cells this morning!) words or phrases to describe my day.

The day in question was totally uneventful. Apart from being in a certain bookshop that had a very large greeting card display, and I did two whole circuits and it took me over half an hour trying to find the birthday card I wanted. Which I never did. I eventually left as the retail assistant must have thought I looked suspicious as she came over to see if I needed any help. Help - in a Birthday card section? That is a very personalised purchase isn't it? I left as how can you satisfactorily explain doing circuits around greeting card stands in very slow motion?

Once I was safely back home it didn't just rain, the heavens precipitated liquid So I wasn't going out for any reason. So you will have to make do with an arty farty photo, and proof that it was raining. Never Mind Wally - Can you spot the rain drop anyone?

Thursday, 14 May 2015

May 13th The Winter Gods Are Descending

My favourite Autumn leaf tree has nearly shed all of it's leaves and is just about bare. A true reminder that Winter is just around the corner and closing in on us It didn't help that I read today that we are in for El Nino and to expect an extremely cold Winter, due to this factor.

Another tree sheds these every Autumn. Walking through these I always have the sensation of walking through a path of lots and lots, and I mean lots of doggy doo!! It doesn't help that they squish.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

May 12th The Best Part About Being A Nana

We finally got to catch up with two gorgeous granddaughters last night. I haven't seen them since I got back due to illness and conflicting schedules. Of course there is nothing better than a Nana & Poppa bearing gifts.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

May 11th Scum and Reminiscing

I realise that scrum of the earth do walk the same paths as myself and make me go bah humbug for various reasons. Littering is a big one. I hate completing our walks through lovely green paths only to find some low life has left a lot of trash behind. Take this latest find - not only were there bottles strewn everywhere - but they left behind approximately 6 shot glasses. What is with that? BYO shot glasses to the park. @#*&#!

Let's now take a different note. Reminiscing with a friend online today about these little canisters. Who remembers them and what they were for?

Monday, 11 May 2015

May 9th & 10th Beauty and Bigfoot were here

Another weekend dawned. One thing I must state is that our May weather has been amazing. Usually we have one or two frosts under our belt by now. However with the current mild temperatures it feels that the time to dip our toes into Winter, is still a while away. Fingers crossed that long may this situation continue.

I am sure our Kaffir Lime is hoping for continuing mild weather as well. The tree is still sprouting little babies, and I hope they get to survive

Out for our walk on Saturday, I noticed on a roadside kerb - on a very busy road mind you, which seems so incroguous, a lawn (I could hardly call them a field) of mushrooms. What do you call a group of mushrooms? Anyone?

Sunday dawned and the day was beautiful. Temperatures were in the early 20s, the sun was out and then I spotted this on a garden paver. Yikes - Bigfoot was here!!

Saturday, 9 May 2015

May 8th The Rebel

I am not sure how familiar you are with the flowering Cyclamen plant. If planted outdoors, they prefer shade and to be sheltered. Which is where the majority of our Cyclamen are positioned in the garden. However with some spare plants after dividing, George decided to put the leftovers into a spare pot. If they survived well and good, and if they really didn't like being in an open, exposed to all conditions pot - we would surely see the negative results.

I am pleased to advise we have a rebel in our midst. And what a colourful sight on a wet and grey, gloomy day.

Friday, 8 May 2015

May 7th What A Pheasant Surprise

This was a totally pheasant surprise. Because it is just normal to walk into someone's office and to find a dead pheasant lurking on the desk - isn't it???

We do not know if this Pheasant fell dead due to foul circumstances. He/She flew into a building with such force, it knocked itself stone dead. Suicide or were they chased to their death? This may be a case for CSI Pheasant City?

Thursday, 7 May 2015

May 6th A Retro Lunch

I happened to spot in the Supermarket Deli section the other day some lovely slices of Brawn. I can remember Dad used to make Brawn when I was a child - I have no idea how or what he did, but I loved it. It was most probably the jelly part that appealed as opposed to the meat.

For today's lunch I decided on a good old Brawn Sandwich. Plain, but oh so tasty.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

May 5th, Oh No, Oh No, Oh No

The end of day was dawning today and I really didn't think I would have a photo to share. Minnie had decided her walk would be the usual route, so nothing new there to take a photo of. After all, the blades of grass and the power poles she pees on do tend to remain the same.

I thought I was going to have to settle for the following pretty picture, which is a lovely view on our walk around the local lake. The colours do tend to change with the seasons - which leads me to confess I have taken this photo before, just at a different time of year.

But Wait! There's more and it isn't steak knives!!  Of one of the odd things to encounter, along the green belt walkway we take - which is tree lined on one side and then fenced off houses on the other - against a fence on no man's land - I spotted the following.

There is a house on the other side of this particularly high fence (which can't be seen), and no park access whatsoever.  So what a coffee cup was doing there I don't know - unless this particular prowler / park walker is caffeine addicted and has to take their own cup?

Sunday, 3 May 2015

May 3rd Roll Up, Roll Up... It's Movie Time

We decided to do something undecidedly out of the norm today and headed to the movies. This is actually a very rare event for us, but it was Sunday. George worked a few hours this morning and what better way to relax then lose ourselves in front of a very, very big screen.

Firstly the big decision. What do we see? After much deliberation which took all of five seconds we agreed on Avengers Age of Ultron

Next came the painful part - paying for the movie

I am now licking my lips in anticipation at this one. Nothing beats a good belly laugh and I hope No. 2 is as good or surpasses the original