Tuesday, 27 January 2015

January 24th, 25th and 26th - An Anniversary and A Birthday

We had a Long Weekend here. I live in the Waikato region of New Zealand and one thing I have never been able to comprehend is why, when we are not part of the Auckland region, we celebrate Auckland Anniversary Day. Well actually the entire top half of the North Island of New Zealand does. We are not that small that we have to be swept under the same bush, but it does happen. However, when all is said and done, who is going to complain when it means a lovely long weekend.

Saturday 24th - I was definitely in Long Weekend mode. The weather has been hot, hot and hotter. It is so lovely to not have to wear ten thousand layers of clothes and to feel warmth no matter what hour of the day. Being in Long Weekend mode, dinner had to be something easy. I raided the contents of the fridge that is our spare fridge, and a couple of oops were found, which I decided to transform into a Pizza.  We are still here to tell the tale. so the oops was just a minor oops (note to self - check contents of the 'other' fridge more regularly)

Firstly a lovely little piece of Salami - Let's just ignore the Best Before date - and after all it is Best Before and not Use By!

 For a Pizza, you have to have Cheese. I found an unopened wheel of Pecorino (Sheep's Milk Cheese) in the same fridge. I had lovely Italian customers (now residing permanently back in Italy) who made their own Cheese and would sell it to me. This one was labelled "For Irene - July 2010"

All good in the end and it all came together in this wonderful home made Pizza

Sunday 25th - A Birthday to celebrate. I have two of the most adorable, lovable, wonderful, beautiful, delectable granddaughters possible. Me biased? No way!  Little Samara turned two on Friday and we celebrated her birthday. You know you are a Nana when you are up to play with Doc McStuffin, Lambie Boo Boo, Dora, Boots and the never aging Minnie Mouse (I must find out how she manages to stay wrinkle free and not gain any poundage after all these years?)

We definitely can't overlook the star of the day

and her equally adorable big sis


Monday 26th Honey I'm Home!!  Yes it was the Return of the Elephants. They are finally all home and settled into their rightful places. Unpacked, no laundry required and everyone is back  - for 10 months that is (pssst... this is only one cabinet. If you haven't been to our house before there are many, and I mean many, many others!)

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