Yes, the above is what I returned home with after a Doctor's visit today. What is wrong you may well ask? I have a rash. What started out as an innocent looking rash nearly 2 weeks ago. My first thought was the dreaded Chicken Pox. The Grandies have just been through this, and we steered clear of them, due to us both never having had the dreaded Pox as children. We didn't see them again until they were well clear and out of the infectious period.
But I had this rash. Just a simple rash on one arm initially, that soon spread to the other,and soon spread to ... you get my drift. So I immediately went and saw my Doctor. His response - no, definitely not Chicken Pox Not sure, but nothing to worry about.
Nothing to worry about! A couple of days later my arms were covered, as were my thighs and everywhere else. Back to the Doctor, who wasn't available, so I saw a Drop In Doctor. After much mmmm's and aaaaaah's - the same response. Not an allergy Irene, I agree definitely not Chicken Pox. Let's interrupt your Doctor and get him in here again. They concurred and whispered and touched and prodded - and the verdict (at this stage)... Irene, we know you like to be different just by looking at your pink hair for instance. But why, do you have to be different when it comes to illnesses? Why can't you just have the same as everyone else. Here, try some Calamine Lotion and some Prednisone tablets. Give it a few days and there should be nothing to worry about.
Nothing to worry about! Nothing to worry about! Nothing to worry about! By this week the rashes had converged into huge welts, unlike nothing seen before. Calamine was as useless as tits on a bull, to be frank. Prednisone had the same effect as sugar free lollies on a hyperactive kid, and my rash was converging from little islands in the sea to one big huge forking land mass!
So back I trotted. I now hopefully have a name. But why do I have to be different. I can understand my brain rebelling at conformity. But my body (ok looking at the extra rolls, it doesn't conform does it!!), but my body also doesn't like conforming when it comes to illnesses, and won't go for the everyday common variety. I have a rash that is known as (I am going to bore you with the medical details)..Pityriasis Rosea. It is a Virus, that is dormant within the body from childhood. If it does decide to come out as an adult, it is 'commonly' (get the word commonly) seen in adults from aged 18 to 35. Hello, 35!!! 35!!! I am well over that landmark by a couple of decades The good news is that it rarely affects the face. Watch this space.
Can someone please tell this body of mine that sometimes conforming is good. Give me up to six months and I apparently will be rash free. They doubt the above creams/tablets in the photo will help but they may ease the constant itching.
So please if you see me and I am scratching, I have washed. I am clean. I am just being rash!
ps It is NOT infectious, NOT, NOT, NOT!!!