Tuesday, 25 November 2014

November 24th Checking Out The 'hood

Today Minnie walked me, as she always does. She chooses the route and I follow. Occasionally, as happened today, Minnie will decide on a route that is out of the ordinary. I don't know how in our little corner of the world, every now and then she will come up with a new route.  It will be something we have seen before of course, but for instance instead of her normal let's cross the road and go straight ahead, she will decide to turn left. Or she will decide to join two separate walks into the one. Today was one of those days.

This was an unusual find at a letterbox. I don't know if the residents within haven't realised that Halloween is over or they are just getting in early for next year?

Onwards we went. It always strikes me as ironic that at some homes - ie the types of houses where there is more garbage stored in the yard and on their deck then in the whole neighbourhood, there is usually some little point of beauty and normally found in an overgrown garden. In our travels, we have one such house and their Feijoa tree on the roadside, was in full bloom.  The blooms always look so pretty.

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