Tuesday, 22 October 2013

October 21st The Cooking Fisherman

This is half of a filleted snapper caught on George's fishing trip on Saturday. He wanted to use one of his recipes gained from his BBQ Cooking Class, and here is the result.

We have Snapper BC (Before Cooking)

And now Snapper AC (After Cooking)

I can see my cooking days may well be numbered. For a man that never cooked once in his life prior to meeting me, he is turning into a Chef Extraordinaire. I have been informed that tonight's dinner is  Chicken Drumsticks BBQ'd fancy pancy style. Meanwhile Irene hugged her glass and watched (and rubbed her hands together in glee)


  1. Oh wow Irene that looks soooo yummy. What else is in the marinade/sauce besides green peppercorns? Tomato.......

  2. Really busy here at the moment, but will PM you the recipe. They are actually capers and the piece de resistance - dark rum! Will send you the recipe later today - I have just stopped for a lunch break, but work is frantic here

  3. Absolutely no rush Irene - in fact next week or later is fine whenever/if things slow down for you. That is very kind of you to send me the recipe - it looks fab! We are always looking for new ways with fish.
