Tuesday, 13 August 2013

August 12th When Ms Shank Met Mr Cooker

This has to be a marriage made in heaven. Initially old friends Red Onion, Garlic, Thyme & Rosemary decided it was time to get together

 Things didn't seem right, so they asked Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar to join in, add some colour to the gathering, and then Paprika spiced things up

 They had their friendship covered and blanketed Ms Shank with love for a good few hours

 Red, Garlic et al had to leave after a while - and Ms Shank found herself alone and browning. Things really heated up for her then

 The friends eventually reunited and this is when Ms Lamb Shank met Mr Slow Cooker. They endured quite a long, slow and smouldering relationship which lasted about a good 10 hours!

However, like all good things it came to an end - Ms Shank left Mr Cooker and decided Mr Mash looked better

At first it looked like this was the one. However things took a turn at the dinner table and tasty Ms Shank and even Mr Mash were no more!

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