Wednesday, 3 April 2013

April 2nd From Vandals to Ika Mata

Someone appears to have had a bad bout of temper with the neighbour's letterbox last night. Or is this the tanty you have when you really want to throw a tanty due to an unwanted bill or too much junk mail in your letterbox?

And from someone else's tanty to Tuna. Some of the Tuna that was caught over the weekend fishing, was turned into Ika Mata (Rarotongan Raw Fish Salad)

Yes, garnish should be added to make it look even prettier. But after chopping up a small chilli to add to the Ika Mata, and then forgetting it had tainted my fingers, I opened the can of coconut cream. Added a small amount, and then as I am used to using coconut milk as opposed to coconut cream (if you want to know the difference just ask) I dolloped my finger into the cream... and licked. And that particular chilli I used was actually extremely hot, I mean like extremely hot. I was that busy suffering the burn on my lips, I accidentally tipped all the coconut cream into the tuna. I don't think I should have used so much. But it tasted good - and my lips got a good calorie burning work out.

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