Monday, 4 February 2013

February 3rd Moo Ping Makes My Heart Sing

When we travelled to Thailand in 2011, a great delight was the food. With apologies to my sister, brother in law and nephew whom we were visiting - we love you very much, but you have to admit that Thai food, and especially the street food is to live for. I refuse to use the expression to die for, as I quite like the spot I occupy on this planet, and have no immediate plans to vacate it.

One of the treats we were introduced to was Moo Ping. BBQ Pork on Skewers. This was our daily treat when George and Ian walked Benny the dog. I would be waiting at home patiently (yeah right) for their return with bags of Moo Ping. Fortunately when we returned last year, our Moo Ping man still occupied the same spot and hopefully he will still be there when we next return.

We have developed an affinity for Thai food, and when we returned to NZ, my first task was to google and find a recipe for Moo Ping, so we could try and replicate the taste.  We have managed to find Pork Slices (totally boneless) at a certain Mad Butchers and always stock up on packs when we see them (actually I confess I think that is all we do purchase at that certain insane butcher's shop), and pop them in the freezer.

With today being a BBQ day for dinner, Moo Ping just had to be included and here is a visual of what to expect.

First the Pork Slices. George trimmed these for me and removed the hard rind (which can be stored in the freezer for our sausage making, but that is another blog)

Next the very simple marinade. Some finely chopped garlic (I only use this cleaver for garlic and chopping herbs and vegetables, and never place it in the dishwasher - just a salutary wipe with the dish cloth on completion (I wonder when the Health Department raid will occur?) I also never use a garlic crusher - because it is ineffective you ask? A resounding no! Just because I am lazy and I think they are a right bastard to clean, so the cleaver it is.

Into a glass dish with the other marinade ingredients, that is salt, sugar and fish sauce

Mix all together - amazingly for a 'small amount' of marinade, you will find at the end of marinading a large amount of liquid.  I then spread the combined marinade on the bottom of the dish and place the pork slices in

Just about ready to go on the BBQ after a day marinading

All ready for the BBQ
Time for a sizzle you lot

And finally here is the finished product.
Two, Four, Six, Eight, let's tuck in and don't wait
Moo Ping is yum yum and the absolute pig's bum
actually it's not his bum, but from his tum

1 comment:

  1. Why not ask the butcher to cut you a bulk amount of boneless slices so you dont have to make a few trips.
    it looks really yum. Pity I dont eat pork.
