Thursday, 28 February 2013

February 27th A Day Like No Other

Some days life can be so exciting, that it is hard to sum up the day with just the one photo. There are days when I feel my bubble will burst with excitement, when my cups froth over (not the bra cups thank you).  Today was just one of those days - so here is a photo diary.

1st... A cup of coffee with our Qantas Rep. The anticipation I felt at meeting her was so great, I had to take a photo while in the car I did wait. In other words I was too early and it was hot, and I wondered what the temperature was

Next stop was a patch of paint applied to the toe nails at a local Beauty salon. I won't bore you with a photo, but I must say it is a particularly fetching shade of red on my toe nails now.

Oh, and then the excitement bubble did burst. This is the photo you take when you aren't taking a photo

I am guessing that is my skin - although it is a particularly darker shade of pale. I'll leave the whiter shade to Procol Harum (now who remembers them?)

And to finish such a lubberly, jubberly day just frothing over with little bubbles of excitement - time to prepare dinner

This was the extent of my preparation - George has been craving soup. I have been saying you don't have soup on hot summer days. But George wants soup, and if George wants soup.. he can make it. Oh I love you my darling so much. I will peel your veg for you, I will walk across hot coals for you - but make your own vegetable soup

And that was the day that was. Although I should end today's blog with what I thought was a particularly witty saying I made up when the shite hit the fan as I was working...

Shit happens, and then you drink Gin!

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

February 26th I Spy....

I spy with my little eye
something foreign in the sky
some white matter which hasn't recently been seen
or maybe this is just a dream

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

February 25th The Sublime

We purchased this Kaffir Lime a month ago.  Planted into a larger pot only two weeks ago, and it has burst into life with new shoots and leaves everywhere.  Even more exciting is finding flower buds. Yay for Kaffir Limes!  I can't walk past it without rubbing the leaves and then smelling my fingers - memories of Thailand and Thai food on the deck!

Monday, 25 February 2013

February 24th Sunny Sunday

Sunny Sunday on the  Deck

A perfect spot under an umbrella and a cool Cider

Joined by Minnie on her favourite outside rug

Sunday, 24 February 2013

February 23rd Chinese Lanterns

The Chinese Lantern Festival in Auckland City is a wonderful event. Absolutely stunning lanterns on display - oh and the food wasn't too bad either
(yay for Pearl Tea)

and then we went home

and saw this

Friday, 22 February 2013

February 22nd End of Day..

You know it's getting towards end of day when the sun sets
(if you don't - there is seriously something wrong with you - or you are blind)

February 21st Pump Action

A pump spotted from a bygone time
old age appears to be its only crime
although litres it has on it's face
Now it needs a resting place

Thursday, 21 February 2013

February 20th Two Beautiful Flowers

I obviously didn't take this photo myself, but it is too beautiful not to share. Here are our beautiful granddaughters

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

February 18th She's The One..

Like most ladies I get my hair done
and periodically (OK nearly every time) there is a colour explosion
Ana here listens to my wishes
and todays colour is quite delicious (well I think so)
She has combined my favourites purple and pink
Pretty cool don't you think?

The lovely Ana from Style Express

You can tell which side I sleep on the most!

Saturday, 16 February 2013

February 15th Boil, Boil..

Boil, Boil, Toil and Trouble
I certainly wish I was seeing double

Friday, 15 February 2013

February 14th Happy Valentines Day

February 14th is a special day to me
and yes it's tied to romance but in a different way you see
10 years ago this day I bought my house in 2003
and one year later in 2004, George and I had our first date and then he went on to marry me

2003 - when I took possession

One Year later another love came into my heart

Now here with my two loves. Yikes don't forget no 3 - Minnie our Dog

Thursday, 14 February 2013

February 13th A Good Sausage

Wizzle, Wizzle, Saute and Sizzle
our home made sausages are the bizzle
Although I think I may be relieved of my chilli adding duties
my hand was too heavy and these were hot beauties

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

February 12th Red Sky....

A Red Sky in the Morning
a Shepherd's (or Sailor if you are at sea) Warning

A Red Sky at Night
a Shepherd's (or Sailor if you are at sea) Delight

Unfortunately the following were taken at 6:30am
Which means we may be in for a bit of weather mayhem

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

February 11th The Blood Sucker

Today I felt quite faint
when I met a blood taker who wasn't a saint
she pfft'd when I told her I had soft veins
But did that make her pull in the reins?
Two attempts to get a result
She was extremely sour and didn't apologise for being at fault
I hope Karma bites this cow on the bum
For the pain to me that she done

Sunday, 10 February 2013

February 8th, 9th and 10th I feel it in my waters...

A weekend at the beach coming up, to be specific Cooks Beach

Before we find our bed for the night, better check out the estuary at Cooks

See a recipe you like in a magazine? Don't tear out the page - take a photo instead

Home for two nights

Yes I was allowed to come too

How dare someone walk past. Don't worry folks I have the situation under control and my best bark is ready to go
Dinner time - how many are we feeding/

Smile for the camera

George! Stop playing with Crae's boobies!!

Gives new meaning to a 'shot' of Tequila

Shots of Aquavit make you talk in funny voices

Crae and Cristina showing their serious side

No photos please - you have to see my agent first

Time to head home and let's finish off with a group photo

Thursday, 7 February 2013

February 6th... Went to a Garden Party

We attended our friend Chris Johnstone's 70th Birthday Party. A perfect cake for a Scotsman (the Scottish flag) and as he plays the pipes, wee bagpipes adorned the cake (and they played a tune when you pressed them).  Chris later played the Bagpipes for us all. An absolutely, wonderful garden party for a 70th Birthday and a 10th wedding anniversary - congratulations to Chris & Judy on 10 wonderful years of marriage and a 70th birthday for Chris

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

February 5th Fragrance Heaven

Whilst our smaller gardenias have flowered, we have been awaiting with much anticipation the opening of this larger bloom. The smell? Think fragrance heaven multiplied by 100, and you nearly have it!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

February 4th A Mouse in the House

Well I guess we have someone who doesn't care
If they ever have curly hair
Or maybe a mouse lurks within
If he ate this much - he won't be particularly thin!


Monday, 4 February 2013

February 3rd Moo Ping Makes My Heart Sing

When we travelled to Thailand in 2011, a great delight was the food. With apologies to my sister, brother in law and nephew whom we were visiting - we love you very much, but you have to admit that Thai food, and especially the street food is to live for. I refuse to use the expression to die for, as I quite like the spot I occupy on this planet, and have no immediate plans to vacate it.

One of the treats we were introduced to was Moo Ping. BBQ Pork on Skewers. This was our daily treat when George and Ian walked Benny the dog. I would be waiting at home patiently (yeah right) for their return with bags of Moo Ping. Fortunately when we returned last year, our Moo Ping man still occupied the same spot and hopefully he will still be there when we next return.

We have developed an affinity for Thai food, and when we returned to NZ, my first task was to google and find a recipe for Moo Ping, so we could try and replicate the taste.  We have managed to find Pork Slices (totally boneless) at a certain Mad Butchers and always stock up on packs when we see them (actually I confess I think that is all we do purchase at that certain insane butcher's shop), and pop them in the freezer.

With today being a BBQ day for dinner, Moo Ping just had to be included and here is a visual of what to expect.

First the Pork Slices. George trimmed these for me and removed the hard rind (which can be stored in the freezer for our sausage making, but that is another blog)

Next the very simple marinade. Some finely chopped garlic (I only use this cleaver for garlic and chopping herbs and vegetables, and never place it in the dishwasher - just a salutary wipe with the dish cloth on completion (I wonder when the Health Department raid will occur?) I also never use a garlic crusher - because it is ineffective you ask? A resounding no! Just because I am lazy and I think they are a right bastard to clean, so the cleaver it is.

Into a glass dish with the other marinade ingredients, that is salt, sugar and fish sauce

Mix all together - amazingly for a 'small amount' of marinade, you will find at the end of marinading a large amount of liquid.  I then spread the combined marinade on the bottom of the dish and place the pork slices in

Just about ready to go on the BBQ after a day marinading

All ready for the BBQ
Time for a sizzle you lot

And finally here is the finished product.
Two, Four, Six, Eight, let's tuck in and don't wait
Moo Ping is yum yum and the absolute pig's bum
actually it's not his bum, but from his tum