Saturday, 30 April 2016

April 29th Being Madam Woo'd

It has been two months since my birthday, and that is how long it has taken for friends Helen, Judy and myself to get together to celebrate my birthday, over a lunch date.

Madam Woo is the talk of the town, only being opened here for just over a month, and whilst it was another visit for Helen and myself, it was a first time for Judy.  I definitely did not mind dining here again.

Thanks Girls for a wonderful Birthday lunch!!

Friday, 29 April 2016

April 28th Mushroom Encounters

Walking with Minnie today, we encountered some strange mushrooms on a lawn, which were not your usual common mushroom you find in grass.

Firstly this one, which would actually be great if you could polyurethane it and use as a bowl - if you were arty that is. I have seen similar growing at the base of tree trunks, but this was the largest of about 5 and they were all on the grass, with not a tree (only the wooden fence) in sight.

This next lot were prolific. When I first sighted them I thought some owner had let his dog do it's number twos everywhere, but on closer inspection I realised they were a dark mushroom - not one I have encountered on a suburban lawn before

Thursday, 28 April 2016

April 27th Cilla and Cyril

It was a damp and foggy Waikato morning. Fog hung in the air like a bad smell permeates a room, after someone has broken wind. It took some time to lift.

Cilla was worried. Something she had done or said had upset Cyril. They did have a small spat when they hit the nest finally last night. Their chicks were all but ready to leave the nest and then just when they were about to enjoy some alone time, the damned pregnancy test was positive. There was only so much room in one nest.

What with mouths to feed, a nest that they could hardly afford, and she knew she should not have complained about living in this barren wasteland, with hardly a tree to be found. There were better areas in town, with more foliage and less exposed.

Oh well. Such is life she thought to  herself as she kept searching for the elusive worm. The fact that they constantly slept in, was of no help in catching worms.

Yes Winter was coming, and it did not bode well for the Plover Family.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

April 26th Puzzle Of The Day

We were out at Raglan and were mortified to find it was after Wine o'clock time. We called into the local Establishment for a tipple,and spied this puzzle. Can you guess the answer?  Please private message me if you think you know the answer - no spoilers

Where were we? At the grand old lady, The Harbour View Hotel in Raglan

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

April 25th Forget Lipstick On Your Collar

Who remembers the very, very, very old song 'Lipstick On Your Collar'.   If you are too young to remember a late 1950's hit sung by Connie Francis, click here for a link to the song.

Well today on my walk I was treated to a 'Lipstick On a Bollard'

Found a lipstick on a bollard, 
bet you think it can't be true
Found a lipstick on a bollard
in a very bright pink hue
Bet your bottom dollar, 
this never was on a collar
Cause, Lipstick on a bollard, told a tale on you! 

OK, OK, I know small things amuse small minds

Monday, 25 April 2016

April 23rd and 24th Weekend Observations And The Homeless

Saturday the weather was lovely. I took Minnie for her walk and I decided to be the one in charge of the route as I had a specific destination. Minnie constantly took exception to this and tried to re-route me. Undeterred we carried on, her pulling one way, me pulling the other. There were some sort of championships being held at the local BMX track

I was a Fishing Widow for the day. George was off sailing the high seas and I must admit I was most envious when I got a text that they had spotted a pod of Orcas. The closest I got to any fish was what he brought home all cleaned and filleted, and the following when we headed out to the Night Market for our dinner. I think that is an Octopus, served alongside Pork Ribs and Prawns - a bit of a strange combo?

On to Sunday, and I stumbled across someone homeless in our back yard.

I almost felt sorry for it. Do Snails/Slugs grow new houses. Or are they allocated one at birth and that's it? And if they lose their homes, as has happened here, do they crawl off and die? 

All these questions and more were quite a bit to digest for a Sunday!

Saturday, 23 April 2016

April 22nd Wild West Coast

Out to Raglan we went. And we can't hit the West Coast with also saying hello to our Granddaughters. They couldn't wait to show us their find from scavenging for treasure on the beach today

The Guardian Of The Door

A lovely Autumn Evening's view. 

Friday, 22 April 2016

April 21st When Doves Cry

I got up this morning to write about my daily photo, only to be met with the news of Prince's passing. I think some artists we really connect with, and I loved not only  his music but also the individuality of Prince.

So in remembrance of a true artist, today's photo has to be a Dove. Obviously not taken yesterday, but this photo was taken by myself a couple of months ago

And so you don't think I am shirking my daily photo, I did indeed take a photo yesterday. This was my view out of my office door. Minnie basking in the sunshine and a pretty flowering Orchid beyond.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

April 20th The Beast

A lot of you will know of the beast that lurked in our garden. A few years ago now we were in a shopping centre and saw a tiny wee cactus, it was small and not a spine on it. We thought it safe to bring home.

Well we bought home a demonic monster. The minute we planted this in our garden it grew and I am sure faster then Jack's Bean Stalk. A neighbour ended up with a hospital visit after a brush with our cactus. It got to the stage where, as an art installation we even stabbed it with old forks and left them inserted; chopped off limbs and covered them with little pots. It would not die. George at one time removed all needles, thinking to render it harmless. Did that work? Oh no. The needles returned like something out of a horror movie, except with even stronger and more needles. 

In the end we had no recourse but to totally chop it down. Do you know even chopped off it still was a lethal weapon. We had large pieces laying on concrete that we gave away on one of those free websites, and after something like 6 months it lay there out of the dirt and still as green and menacing as ever. When pieces were given away, we had to relate its history out of sympathy for receivers.

That is all historical and you may well wonder what it has to do with the present? Well in a fit of pity, we decided to keep one tiny piece and plant it well away from the house, down our driveway. For once it did not fare well. It received very little sunshine. I used to say a little triumphant harrumph every time I walked passed.

Until today, that is. All of a sudden The Beast is back. It is healthy, spines are appearing and it looks as if it is about to return to its old shenanigans. Time to remove it now me thinks before history doth repeat itself

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

April 19th Chop Chop

There has been a fair bit of chop, chopping going on over the last three days, with the final culmination happening today.

When the house was first bought, this Cabbage tree was only half way up the bedroom window but now 13 years later it has really taken hold and we made the decision that sorry darling, we love you, but you are just too big for us. You have to go.

And today she went, and now is a former stump of her old self. To ease the blows, at dusk I decided to focus on the setting sun instead

Peek A Boo - I See You

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

April 18th Walks With Minnie

More mystery plants encountered on my walk with Minnie.  This first one I am not sure if it is either a Pomegranate or a Chilean Guava. 

Look at the berries on this tree. Aren't they a gorgeous colour?. This is a large tree and the first time I have ever seen any berries on it. It is absolutely laden.

Finally, on my walks with Minnie, we usually encounter discarded mattresses. Well today it was furniture, and two plastic bags full of wine and martini glasses. Glad to see the neighbourhood is mixing it up.

Monday, 18 April 2016

April 16th & 17th An Autumnal Weekend

I love the word Autumnal. When said out loud, it doesn't sound anything like Autumn and yet it is specific to Autumn. You just have to love the English language and all of its idiosyncracies.

And the weekend blog isn't related to the English language. I just went off on a different tangent, as I often do. The weekend was really a game of two halves. Saturday was a lovely Autumn day. There was blue sky and the leaves that need to fall have started falling. It is a lovely time of year to walk in the park

 Sunday was a complete contrast. It was wet and if Minnie doesn't ask to go for a walk, you know it isn't the sort of day you want to venture out into. So the day was the sort of day you park yourself on the sofa, with Minnie cuddled up beside you. She manages to gradually wriggle herself off her blankie, until I find myself perched precariously on the edge

And you know Autumn is definitely here, when by 7:00pm it is pitch black outside

And there is a roast in the oven for dinner

Saturday, 16 April 2016

April 15th Three Strikes

Well it really wasn't a negative day, but three negatives happened. Which is about three many too negatives that one person should endure in their daily routine.

First up. Am I glad for insect bombs. This is the first one of these ugly critters I have seen for quite a while, but it was good to see him on his back, legs in the air and very dead. I hope he goes straight to hell and down the toilet he went

Next up and only in the matter of minutes. I decided some Sardines wouldn't go amiss for my lunch. But why, oh why, do ring pull tins have you terrified that you are going to sever an artery if you try and take the entire lid off. They never peel completely off - for me anyway!!  I only ever get 3/4 of the way and then have visions of me unintentionally slitting a wrist and being found in a pool of my own blood on the kitchen floor.

Finally, and I have posted a photo of this before, but to have all three negatives in the one day is a tad too much. Child proof locks on cleaning products. If I didn't have to wait for George to come home to open it for me, I would be over at the neighbour's asking "Excuse me, can you open my bottle of toilet cleaner"?

Friday, 15 April 2016

April 14th Game Of Thrones Winter Is Coming

This particular morning certainly felt like an episode of Game of Thrones. When I opened the curtains this was my view from the bedroom window, and it was time to send out a warning that the Winter is coming - and to get the heat pump going. Although I am quite certain they did not have heat pumps in Game of Thrones - but in some episodes they certainly did seem to pump some heat!!

Thursday, 14 April 2016

April 13th A Bridge and A Presentation

Firstly I will do the 'pretty' picture. One of Hamilton's bridges, which is lit up each evening, but from a different angle

I wouldn't normally drive this route, but had been to an Industry function. Everyone was transfixed by the presentation

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

April 12th Sympathy From A Conglomerate

A bit of a surprise. A manufacturer of Cold Sore Patches showing sympathy that someone has to use their product.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

April 11th A Daytime Peeping Tom

Spotted peeping in our bedroom window today. - fortunately I was dressed

Monday, 11 April 2016

April 10th Madam Woo's - A Culinary Experience

We were out to enjoy a long, leisurely Sunday lunch today at the recently opened Madam Woo's restaurant. It's claim to fame is not only ownership by a celebrity chef, but also the fact that it takes its inspiration from traditional Malaysian hawker food.

So as we try to regularly enjoy new dining experiences with Alvin, Alicia and  until now their daughter Ella - which has now increased by one to include gorgeous Esme - and as Alvin and Alicia hail from Malaysia, our next dining spot had to be Madam Woo's.

Toasted Black Sesame Seed and Chilli Ice Cream  

Sunday, 10 April 2016

April 9th Mrs Olimpia's World Famous Bean Soup

Tonight we were invited to indulge in a meal of Olimpia's Bean Soup. It is so good, that every time we end up with a sore tummy due to over indulgence. There is no Bean Soup in existence that is better than Olimpia's Bean Soup

As if our tummies weren't bulging enough, we had to finish with one of Bea's home made cupcakes

Thanks to all for a lovely evening

Saturday, 9 April 2016

April 6th to 8th Queenstown Me...

From Wednesday through to Friday, I attended a trade conference, which was Queensland on Tour, being held in Queenstown in the South Island of NZ.

The scenery in the South Island of New Zealand will leave you in awe at it's sheer beauty. I kept taking photo after photo, it was just so beautiful. We weren't there for the scenery unfortunately - but still managed to see it. I flew from Auckland to Queenstown on Wednesday, we had registration on arrival followed by welcome drinks.

Thursday was an early start. There were 50 operators in attendance from Queensland, Australia. It was an extremely full on day, but fortunately the event was held at The Skyline, which afforded us stunning views over Queenstown. The only way to get up and down is via Gondola.  Thursday evening we enjoyed a Gala Dinner at The Barn, Moonlight Country, which is an approximate 15 minute drive from Queenstown.

There were three Jelly Bean Mosaics on display - love this tribute to Lord Of The Rings

Beady eyes watching us eat our dinner
 Friday morning we returned to The Skyline for final presentations, before being whisked back to the airport for our return flights. Fortunately I had time to sit and enjoy the comings and goings at Queenstown Airport's tarmac

Time to board our flight. With a beautiful blue sky, the flight home left me with wonderful images of a country I am so proud to call home

ps I know this was supposed to be about Queensland, but when you have views such as this... what can you do?