Friday, 30 November 2012

November 29th The Unveiling of the Pavlova

Well this is the final result of what was the Perfect Pav
The Lemon Curd added a dimension never before had
A marshmallow bottom (that resembles mine)
Then a Layer of Lemon Curd which is divine
Topped with fluffy Clouds of Cream
And then the Strawberries - it was a Baker's dream

But then other events did unfold
Can you put the above on hold
Here is what really happened
I must admit in my pants I was crapp'n

Yes it was a Perfect Pavlova with a shape to desire
I had reached my baking goals to which I did aspire
Curd went on perfect with a glow in my heart
And then I kid you not, my Pavlova did fart!

It gave a heave, and a little collapse
I shite meself and thought what caused this lapse
Never before has a Pavlova been heard to fart
But I must admit my friends are used to me saying quite loudly - what the fark
The photo above is the collapsed result
You have to laugh I have no idea what was the fault!

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

November 28th Will This Be The Perfect Pavlova?

Off to dinner tomorrow and I am taking
this Pavlova I have been making
Making a Pav sets my heart a quaking
and the hips just can't stop shaking

The recipe is for a pav thats beaut
I will top it with lemon curd to make it cute
And then some halved strawberries for a contrast
Pray for me  that dessert is a blast

With many thanks to Helen Jackson for her recipe


Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Monday, 26 November 2012

November 26th When Good Dogs Nest...

OK guys, I think there's enough of you looking that way. I'll look this way and stand guard - but who's to say I can't have a bit of home comfort on my nest

November 25th, Who loves Ice Cream

I Scream, You Scream, We all Love Ice Cream - and this is how you end a weekend staying on the Coromandel Peninsula. The best ice cream purchased from Tararu Store, Thames

November 24th - An Early morning start for the Fishermen (and me)

And off we head off for a day's fishing. Departing from Sovereign Pier, Whitianga out to the open sea

November 23rd - Taken from the Loo with a view

at Tairua Beach.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Of Mammograms and Mammaries

Hands up who has had a Mammogram. Obviously males excepted. Although on a serious note, men can be diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I guess the odds are some men will have a mammogram. Good gosh, we have had the 'Male Menopause' now it will be 'Male Mammograms'.

I received my letter that it was time for my two yearly check up. Time to squeeze the boobies in between translucent sandwich boards - and honestly ladies, it does not hurt.

On the day of my appointment, off to the hospital I puttered. Hi Ho, Hi Ho, its off to have my breasts  on show - with a squish squash here and a squish squash there, hi ho, hi ho.

I digress. I parked my car (which is a sensible thing to do), and was on my way to the lifts, and then realised why there were quite a few empty spaces. On the walls there was written 'Volunteer Car Parks'. Should I head back? Should I let 'Good Irene' rule my conscience?  After a minute's (okay 10 seconds) reflection, I figured I was there in a voluntary capacity, the carparks were marked for volunteers, so all was ok.

Next dilemma - the Hospital has blue lifts and orange lifts and another choice is required. Orange for someone with a sunny disposition, Blue if things are getting you down, and life is a bitch at the moment?  Even more puzzling, is the fact I figured out later they head to the same destination. Do they monitor who heads into which lift? I can just imagine the Lift Police "Sorry Madam, you look grumpy, into the Blue lift you Go'' or ''What a lovely sunny smile - allow me dear, we have this Orange lift just for people like you''.

Onwards and forwards to have my mammaries mammogrammed.  Into the changing room I go, and get handed a gown to change into. Bottom half of my attire stays on, but if I had used the gown I was handed, it would not have covered my mammaries. A multitude of skin (and sins) would have been exposed. I snuck out and found a suitable gown. I think the one they gave me is for very slender and very, very, and I mean very, tiny ladies.

Sitting, sitting, sitting in my suitable gown - and then I am called in. I have experienced quite a few Mammograms. It's a case of a shuffle here, lean forward, grasp the handle, lift the mammary, push it here, push it there, excuse me Madam, can you pull your tummy back, we want your Mammaries, not your Tum. Bum out, Tum In. Hold your breath. Lovely pose - but not one for the art books believe me! Although it possibly could qualify for an edition of the Karma Sutra.

Remember I said Mammograms are not painful. I lied. They usually aren't. But I think my technician didn't like me - talk about nipping it in the bud - this *&@# actually drew blood. Ouch - how could she get skin caught in god knows where and cause me pain. Karma will get you lady and I am not talking the Karma Sutra!

Let's finish with a little witty ditty:

They told me they wanted to photograph some bits,
By that they meant they wanted to squeeze me tits,
It isn't painful don't you know,
It's just into clear sandwich boards that they go.

Shuffle here, lean this way
hold your breath, please don't sway
And that's it for another two years
Now move your car, its parked in a space for volunteers!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

A Brand New Day A Brand New Blog

21.11.12 (a Palindrome day - or for those not into Palidromes shall we just say 21 November 2012)

A dear friend asked why I didn't blog. I am just into my third year of posting a photo a day onto my Facebook account. However 'Being A Blogger' never entered my mind. But I am going to give it a go.

I will share my photo a day here on my Blog. And I will also share my poetry - a poem they say, keeps the frowns away, especially if it's witty and can be a little ditty. And I may share stories of my lovely hubby George, and our wonderful pet who is more human than dog, Minnie. And as for food and liquids of the alcoholic variety - be prepared for the ride of your life!

As for me. I am a pedestrian person with a pedestrian life. Although I don't like being a pedestrian and prefer to park my posterior into a passenger seat of a four wheeled vehicle. 

Just like today actually.... I work from a home office and due to living in suburbia, they have installed a dog and a rather large one next door. I can hear it barking incessantly and non stop. Today I had to escape the barking and took our Minnie for her walk. Which should be a walk in the park, which it was. Nothing exciting here, until we were close to home, and a bike whizzed past another pedestrian on the footpath and that man regaled the bike rider with his heritage and the air was blue. Keep on walking Irene, Minnie don't show an interest, because that fellow pedestrian may just be a psychotic nutter. Who knows! So even the mundane can give rise to the non mundane.

And todays photo shall have the following caption...
'Oh gosh, I am so sorry Irene, it was an accident. I didn't see it' Me through gritted teeth 'That's okay, accidents happen' Me thinking evil thoughts 'You stupid, stupid *&@#, how could you. That was special - grrrrrrrrrrrr'  Shite happens.